It was a bright and sunny June day when Christiana + Will tied the knot surrounded by family and friends in Weatherford, Oklahoma! It was a wonderful day, indeed ❤️

About the Couple
So I knew about Christiana because during my time in Weatherford, and in turn Southwestern Oklahoma State, her parents were actually both my professors! Her mother was my advisor and her father taught some of my very favorite classes I took in college. Naturally, I heard lots about her through them and her about me!

Now, Christiana was one of the most prepared brides I have ever met. She contacted me like RIGHT after she and Will became engaged, which happened to be over a year before their actual wedding date! Way to have it all together, girl 👏
ANYWAY, Will and Christiana actually met in college during freshman orientation at Rockhurst University in Kansas. A Nebraska boy and an Oklahoma girl. Sounds like the perfect start, right?! They were friends throughout that year, but it wasn’t until after Christiana received flowers from a “mystery man” that things began to progress into something more. That was back in 2013, and they have been inseparable since!

Christiana took Will to meet Grandma Mary, and that’s when everyone knew that things were serious. Not just anyone gets to visit Grandma Mary, and even I know that! 😉
On the day of the proposal, Will planned out an entire evening of wonderfully thoughtful moments that took place in significant locations during their relationship. Afterward, he took Christiana out onto a balcony overlooking their favorite Plaza to ask her to be his wife. She told me it was the easiest yes she had ever said!

Listen, if that doesn’t set the mood of this wedding for you, I don’t know what to tell you. These two blew me away with their love for one another!
I’ve said it once and I’ll say it a thousand times, details are some of my very favorite parts of the wedding day! You put so much time and thought into each piece, and it’s important to document each one! Will and Christiana were no different and had so many sweet little details that meant something to them.

First Look Magic
I really love those first look moments between the bride and groom, but I won’t lie, I really, REALLY love the first look moments between the father and the bride. We had an impromptu first look moment with Christiana and John as we finished her bridal portraits and John happened to arrive at the church at the same time. We hid Christiana out of sight and had John come over with eyes closed before letting him see his beautiful daughter for the first time as a bride.

In true John fashion, there were lots of “ooo”s and many “wow”s, and my heart melted a thousand times as he hugged his baby girl.

As much as I love when a father sees his baby before walking her down the aisle, we can’t leave Will out because he’s the reason for the day’s celebration! As I spoke with him to calm his nerves a bit, I got to hear him talk about how he met Christiana and just in his voice, I could tell how much she meant to him. It was so special to witness as he saw his beautiful bride the first time and share that moment with the two of them.

Bridal Party
We all know how important these people are, the ones who stand by your side on your biggest day! These people were a hoot and I thoroughly enjoyed my time with them. They were uplifting, loving, and so kind. The jokes were pretty great, too 😉

Then They Tied the Knot
Alright, so this is always the most important part of any wedding day, but it is not necessarily the most humorous part of the wedding day. In this case, it was just a little bit humorous. Since Christiana and Will are Catholic, the wedding was held during a mass ceremony at St. Eugene’s Catholic Church in Weatherford, OK, BUT Father Tran (whom has known Christiana her whole life) sure did have a good time picking on them. Everyone got a good laugh from him saying “have lots of babies” every chance he got. If there was a theme he was going for, that was it 😂
Joking aside, it was a wonderful ceremony as Christiana and Will dedicated themselves to each other and their relationship to God in front of their family and friends.

Now, I’ve given you the back story of how they met, so it will be little surprise to you that they fit together so naturally my job was WAY easy! We just had some fun by ourselves (and occasionally with a friendly audience). I 100% recommend sneaking out of the reception for a few minutes to snag some soft lit portraits as the sun sets. It so happened that some giant storm clouds were on their way to Weatherford, OK on this evening, so we got some pre-sunset photos before it tried to rain on us!

Gah, aren’t they just the sweetest?! I can’t get over it!
The Reception of a Lifetime

I’ve been to a lot of receptions, but I’ll be honest. THIS ONE. This one was so fun and full of love! Held at Southwestern Oklahoma State University in Weatherford, OK, Christiana and Will threw one heck of a party!
Christiana and her dad danced and sang to “New York, New York,” and to be honest, I can’t think of a more fitting song for them to have together! Will and his mom spoke quietly, and tears were shared as they spun around the dance floor.
The toasts were wonderful, personal, and by the end of all the traditional moments there wasn’t a dry eye in the house. Irish blessings were given, the cake was cut, hugs were had and by it was time to go, everyone had gotten onto the dance floor and had the best time celebrating Christiana and Will.

And just to show HOW amazing the reception was….the best man danced so hard, he split his pants. There you have it. Reception of the year 😂

And a Goodnight to All
Finishing this gallery was so bittersweet. I know that I say that a lot, but it is so fun reliving the wedding day and so sad when it comes to an end. Best wishes to the newest Mr. & Mrs. Rangel! May you have all the happiness in the world ❤️

Until next time, friends!
-Lauren B.
Venue & Catering: Southwestern Oklahoma State University
Photographer: Lauren Beauregard Photography
DJ: DJ Connections
Cupcakes: The Honey Bee Bakery & Catering
Dress: Kay’s Bridal (Sedalia, MO)
Jewelry: Kelley Jewelers
Makeup: Lily DeFrank
Florals: Bokays by Nina